Groundcover plants are a great option if you are tired of mulching your flowerbeds or re-seeding that patchy area of lawn. You can create a lush, eye-catching softscape by choosing these plants known for spreading horizontally. Many groundcovers also work well in shady or damp locations. They often thrive where other plants won't grow, such as underneath trees. Drought hardy, xeriscaping options are available as well if you are trying to cut down on your water consumption.
Brass Buttons -
Brass Buttons or Leptinella squalida
This hardy plant enjoys well-drained soil and tolerates full sun. It grows well in zones 4 to 7 and reaches a height of 6 inches. Brass buttons provides a fine-textured foliage that is visually interesting to look at. It is tinged black with bronze-color tiny button-shaped flowers. You can walk on this ground cover without damaging it as it will hold up to foot traffic.
Angelina Sedum -
Creeping Sedums
An ideal choice for areas that require low water planting alternatives. Angelina sedum is a pretty variety as it changes color during the seasons. Yellow flowers appear in clusters during the spring and summer months. Once temperatures change, bright red and bright orange spikes appear throughout the winter months. This plant is approximately 4 inches tall and spreads 2 feet wide. It prefers moderately drained soil and enjoys full sun.
Creeping Thyme -
Thyme or Thymus vulgaris
Available in a variety of species, creeping thyme is popular to trail over rock gardens and between stepping stones. It is aromatic and will attract bees to the garden. When you walk on this carpet groundcover, you will be delighted in the fragrance that escapes. Do your research on thyme as certain varieties spread much faster than others. Typically, it stays under 6 inches tall and can spread up to 18 inches. Available in pink or blue blossoms.